BÖCKELT TOWER® Sheet metal rack


Cas­sette racking, long goods racking, exch­ange tower and smart Böckelt solu­tions for sto­ring and mana­ging sheet metal panels, rem­nants and whole sheet metal packages.
Unsere Kassettenregale bieten maßgefertigte Lösungen für die effiziente Blechlagerung verschiedener Materialien.
The intel­li­gent shelf for 
sto­ring sheet metal panels,
sheet metal packages.

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We design, plan and con­s­truct your sto­rage solu­tion for sheet metal


BÖCKELT TOWER® sheet metal sto­rage and sheet metal racks are fle­xible and inno­va­tive sto­rage sys­tems. The Böckelt cas­sette rack offers vast capa­city. It can be opti­mally tail­ored to the needs of every cus­tomer and it can be extended at any time. The Böckelt long goods rack allows for the effi­cient sto­rage and supply of bar-shaped mate­rial, such as pipe pro­files and bars.

 It is pos­sible to com­bine dif­fe­rent basic sys­tems with a large variety of bas­kets. The Böckelt exch­ange Tower is a modu­larly struc­tured sheet metal sto­rage system, con­sis­ting of a drawer rack with cas­sette rack fitted on as an option. It is used for effi­cient sto­cking and pro­vi­sion of metal sheets and is available with an inte­grated sle­wing crane and vacuum lifter. Whe­ther laser machines, gantry cut­ting sys­tems, pun­ches or shears, all sheet metal pro­ces­sing machines can be effi­ci­ently charged wit­hout time loss.


Drawer Rack(Exch­ange Tower)


Cas­sette rack

Your contact to BÖCKELT TOWER®

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any ques­tions about our pro­ducts? Then make an appoint­ment with us. Our team will be happy to advise you, in a per­sonal mee­ting or by e‑mail.

Can you pro­vide us with a video or pre­pared sheets? Then we can help you much better.

BÖCKELT TOWER® — the indis­pensable helper


fle­xible storage 
Logi­stics system with huge capacity 
Racking system adapts
indi­vi­du­ally to every company 
Effi­cient sto­rage and
pro­vi­sion of sheets 
Fur­ther modules 
Inte­gra­tion of sle­wing crane
and vacuum lifter possible 
Manage­ment soft­ware and trans­ponder system pro­vide a per­ma­nent over­view of stock levels and their posi­tions > the smart Böckelt solution 
Besuchen Sie unser Sortiment und entdecken Sie die Vielfalt unserer Blechlager-Regale.


The Böckelt depal­le­tiser is used to repack metal sheets from wooden pal­lets into Böckelt system cas­settes. In addi­tion, Böckelt offers smart overall sheet metal sto­rage con­cepts for pro­cess opti­mi­sa­tion in the enter­prise with due con­side­ra­tion of exis­ting struc­tures. Whe­ther sto­rage of long goods, pipes or metal sheets – from plan­ning to pro­duc­tion and on through to instal­la­tion, inclu­ding sto­rage manage­ment system, Böckelt offers a clever solution.


The bottom line: BÖCKELT TOWER® is the smart and intel­li­gent sto­rage and logi­stics system for sheet metal plates and metal sheet packages, long goods mate­rial and other appli­ca­tions that can be seam­lessly inte­grated into your exis­ting pro­cesses. Böckelt’s robust sheet metal rack sys­tems are set apart not only by a com­bi­na­tion of maximum sto­rage capa­city and fast access times but also by cut­ting-edge RFID tech­no­logy and inno­va­tive soft­ware com­pon­ents that pro­vide for an effi­cient flow of material.

The BÖCKELT TOWER® manages your invent­ories, coor­di­nates your intra­lo­gi­stics by mana­ging jobs and pro­vi­ding a pick-to-light func­tion, keeps too­ling and non-pro­duc­tive times at your pro­ces­sing machines to a minimum, and boosts your pro­duc­ti­vity. Böckelt’s con­cept is rounded out by the multi-user soft­ware, which can be used on both mobile and sta­tio­nary devices, by inte­grated weig­hing sys­tems and by fle­xible user interfaces.

Vir­tual showroom

Sheet metal rack digital

Expe­ri­ence the BÖCKELT TOWER® as if you were live on site. Check into the vir­tual show­room now and explore the sto­rage system that’s right for you.
Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für professionelle Regalsysteme zur Blechlagerung - Blechlager.

Cus­tomer testimonials


Learn from our enthu­si­a­stic cus­to­mers how the BÖCKELT TOWER® has helped us to increase machine run­ning times and opti­mise stock management.

Your sheets, our expertise


In our sheet metal sto­rage FAQ sec­tion, you will find valuable infor­ma­tion and useful tips on how to opti­mise the sto­rage of your sheet metal. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions, please do not hesi­tate to contact us.

An effi­cient sheet metal warehouse is cru­cial for incre­asing your pro­duc­ti­vity on the one hand and redu­cing your costs on the other. This is because well-orga­nised sheet metal sto­rage gives you quick access to the mate­rials you need, mini­mises damage and makes inven­tory manage­ment easier. As a result, your manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cesses run more smoothly and your pro­duc­tion effi­ci­ency increases.

The BÖCKELT TOWER® is cha­rac­te­rised by its high fle­xi­bi­lity and good adap­ta­bi­lity. It offers cus­to­mised solu­tions that can be opti­mally adapted to the requi­re­ments of your com­pany. It also enables the inte­gra­tion of a sle­wing crane and vacuum lifter, which makes the sto­rage and pro­vi­sion of your sheet metal more efficient.

Our Böckelt sheet metal sto­rage shel­ving comes with a number of advantages:

  • Fle­xi­bi­lity: adapt variably to your indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments and can be expanded as required
  • Effi­ci­ency: ensure quick and easy access to the required sheets
  • Expan­dable: can be sup­ple­mented with a sle­wing crane or vacuum lifter for easier loa­ding and unloading
  • Manage­ment soft­ware: pro­vides a smart over­view of stock levels and their position

The sheet metal warehouse manage­ment soft­ware of the BÖCKELT TOWER® ensures a per­ma­nent over­view of your warehouse stocks and their posi­tion by coor­di­na­ting intra­lo­gi­stics using job manage­ment and the pick-by-light function.

In sheet metal warehouses, the pick-by-light func­tion refers to an auto­mated picking system. In this system, your sto­rage loca­tions are equipped with a light dis­play that shows your employees exactly which sheets they should pick from the sheet metal warehouse.

RFID tech­no­logy, short for “Radio Fre­quency Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion”, is used in sheet metal warehouses to uni­quely iden­tify sheets and track their loca­tion. For this pur­pose, each sheet metal package is fitted with a tag that con­tains a unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion code. When such a tag comes within range of a cor­re­spon­ding reader, it auto­ma­ti­cally com­mu­ni­cates with it via digital signals. This allows you to track the cur­rent loca­tion of your sheets at any time in real time.

Good to know: RFID tech­no­logy can also be used to auto­mate pro­cesses, e.g. to trigger low stock war­nings, to con­trol con­veyor belts or to opti­mise warehouse organisation.

Sure, our BÖCKELT TOWER® can be seam­lessly inte­grated into your exis­ting sheet metal sto­rage system and can be cus­to­mised to the spe­cific requi­re­ments and con­di­tions of your company.

Yes, our sheet metal sto­rage racks can be easily ope­rated with a con­ven­tional for­k­lift truck. This has a posi­tive effect on your ope­ra­tional safety and makes it easier for your employees to handle the sheet metal.

We offer you our com­pre­hen­sive sup­port in the plan­ning, design and imple­men­ta­tion of a sheet metal sto­rage solu­tion for your com­pany. We are also happy to pro­vide you with trai­ning and tech­nical support.

The sel­ec­tion of the most sui­table shel­ving system depends on various fac­tors. These include the type of sheet metal, the sto­rage capa­city and the available space. It is important to con­sider these fac­tors carefully in order to find the optimum shel­ving system for your sheet metal warehouse.

  • Cas­sette shel­ving: high sto­rage capa­city, easy access, effi­cient uti­li­sa­tion of available space
  • Drawer shel­ving: pro­tec­tion against damage, orga­nised sto­rage, easy access
  • Pallet racking: sen­si­tive to damage, limited capacity
  • Can­ti­lever racking: space-saving sto­rage of bulky sheet metal, easy access, limited capa­city, stored goods barely protected


Our recom­men­da­tion: The BÖCKELT TOWER® as a smart sheet metal sto­rage solu­tion. Thanks to its modular design con­sis­ting of drawer and cas­sette shel­ving as well as pos­sible exten­sions in the form of a sle­wing crane or vacuum lifter, it offers you maximum flexibility.

You can take a wide variety of mea­sures to reliably pro­tect your metal sheets from damage:

  • Sui­table shel­ving system: the system should be tail­ored to the size and weight of the sheets
  • Sto­rage in cas­settes: in our racks, for example, your sheets are stored in cas­settes for protection
  • Cor­rect stacking: for even weight dis­tri­bu­tion, heavy sheets should be stored at the bottom when forming stacks
  • Sheets on wooden pal­lets must be handled with par­ti­cular care so that they are not damaged
  • Com­pli­ance with the load capa­city: the per­mis­sible load capa­city should not be exceeded to pre­vent struc­tural damage

Our sheet metal sto­rage solu­tions offer you the option of sim­pli­fying the mate­rial search by ente­ring article num­bers. Alter­na­tively, you can also use a scan­ning device to quickly and accu­ra­tely access the desired materials.

It is advi­sable to book off­cuts in the sheet metal store accor­ding to their size and shape. Smaller pieces should also be stored in cas­sette or drawer shelves to pro­tect them from external influences.

The digi­ta­li­sa­tion of your sheet metal warehouse offers decisive advan­tages. It opti­mises work pro­cesses, enables real-time moni­to­ring of your stock levels and reduces your costs. After all, long sear­ches for mate­rials and clut­tered shelves are quickly a thing of the past with a smart warehouse manage­ment system.

If you want to reduce the workload of your employees in the sheet metal warehouse, you should defi­ni­tely invest in our prac­tical shel­ving towers. These have been spe­ci­ally deve­loped to improve acces­si­bi­lity and mini­mise long set-up and non-pro­duc­tive times. When deve­lo­ping our shel­ving, we also placed great emphasis on user-fri­endly ope­ra­tion, so that even pul­ling out a drawer with a load of several tonnes is effort­less. Our warehouse manage­ment system is also intui­tive to use.