Dis­tri­bu­tion logistics

Dis­tri­bu­tion logi­stics (also: sales logi­stics) com­prises all pro­cesses and mea­sures that are neces­sary to bring pro­ducts from the manu­fac­turer to the end cus­tomer. This includes the plan­ning, manage­ment and con­trol of trans­port, sto­rage, pack­a­ging and inven­tory manage­ment and admi­nis­tra­tion. The aim of dis­tri­bu­tion logi­stics is to deliver the right goods to the right place at the right time, in the right quan­tity and qua­lity, in order to meet cus­tomer requi­re­ments effi­ci­ently and opti­mise costs at the same time.