Block sto­rage

Block sto­rage is a sto­rage stra­tegy where goods are sta­cked in blocks directly on the floor wit­hout racking. This method is often used for heavy goods such as pal­lets that are stored in large quan­ti­ties but with a low value or low tur­nover rate. It makes effi­cient use of sto­rage space by uti­li­sing the maximum height, but has the dis­ad­van­tage that items are dif­fi­cult to access and items stored first can be removed last (LIFO prin­ciple). Block sto­rage is the­r­e­fore gene­rally used pri­ma­rily in sto­rage sys­tems where fle­xi­bi­lity and cost effi­ci­ency are more important than acces­si­bi­lity and rota­tion management.