

Learn from our enthu­si­a­stic cus­to­mers how we have con­tri­buted to an increase in machine run­ning times and opti­mi­sa­tion of stock manage­ment with the BÖCKELT TOWER®.

What our cus­to­mers say


The Böckelt drawer rack is used in our deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment to store sheet metal panels. It is not only the high capa­city and space saving, but also the overall high qua­lity design of the system that excites us. 
Stefan Jacobi, Bystronic AG
The Böckelt sheet metal sto­rage system has increased our pro­duc­ti­vity. All mate­rial swaps occur faster and more safely and mate­rial damage is mini­mized. The entire con­s­truc­tion is solid and durable. The metal sheets are stored quickly and safely with the depalletiser. 
Of course the big­gest advan­tage is the space we gain, not to men­tion the cla­rity. The stock level can be called up at any time, and a side-effect that should not be unde­re­sti­mated is the fact that the stock of left-over metal sheets is finally managed cle­anly and uti­lized in pro­duc­tion. In spite of many approa­ches and ideas over many years we have never suc­ceeded with this until now. I par­ti­cu­larly want to empha­sise the extre­mely com­pe­tent assembly and set-up by Böckelt per­sonnel. Wit­hout the addi­tional space gained thanks to the Böckelt system the exten­sion of our machi­nery this year would not have been possible. 
Jörg Jäger
In addi­tion to opti­mi­sa­tion of the sto­rage capa­city and pro­blem-free feed of the spe­cial cas­settes to the loa­ding sys­tems of our laser equip­ment and com­bi­na­tion machines, there has been ano­ther great advan­tage for us. In the past many valuable metal sheets were damaged by the for­k­lift forks because the indi­vi­dual packages were directly on top of each other on wooden beams. Thanks to the cas­sette sto­rage this is now a moot point; the cas­sette sto­rage vir­tually pre­vents trans­port damage. Also wooden pal­lets are no longer needed. Ano­ther aspect that must be empha­sized is the fact that the cur­rent actual stock level is “always” visua­lized by the soft­ware. We do not want to do wit­hout this system any more. 
Jörg Räder
A great team and system. Since the use of the Böckelt Tower, sear­ching for and repacking sheet metal packages is history. A simple but nevert­heless inno­va­tive system. 
Rainer Schlüter
Access to the mate­rial is signi­fi­cantly faster and the pos­si­bi­lity of mix-up is excluded. Even the Purcha­sing depart­ment works with the sheet metal sto­rage system and the sto­rage manage­ment soft­ware to deter­mine requi­re­ments for mate­rial orders. The IT system shows us at any time how much mate­rial is stored in the cas­settes, inclu­ding the left-over metal sheets. A con­cept was pre­pared, and imple­mented 1:1, per­fectly tail­ored to our con­di­tions. With the Böckelt system we have been able to achieve a reduc­tion of access times to the mate­rial sto­rage of 35%! 
Thomas See­bold, Metallbau Diekmann
We have been using the Böckelt towers in our medium-sized com­pany for several years and are very satis­fied with them. Quick over­view of the stock and no more sear­ching through count­less pal­lets (y) Indi­vi­dual adjus­t­ments to the soft­ware were imple­mented quickly and effi­ci­ently thanks to the fri­endly support. 
Donna Hin­rich
Very nice busi­ness part­ners with an all-round well-main­tained pre­mises, a nice staff and reliable manage­ment. One of our favou­rite customers. 
Michael Decher
With the Böckelt Tower we have been able to better order our metal sheets, save sto­rage capa­city and we have faster access to materials. 
Claudia Pöschl
The Böckelt Tower is the only rack that showed no defi­ci­en­cies in the yearly rack inspection. 
Klaus Mill
Thanks to the custom-tail­ored solu­tion, with the BÖCKELT TOWER® we were able to find an optimal system for our sto­rage space. 
Johannes Beha, Hoch Hydraulik GmbH
From the first contact to the final con­cept and ulti­m­ately to deli­very ever­y­thing func­tioned quickly and smoothly. The exch­ange tower from Böckelt GmbH cap­ti­vates through its high-qua­lity and robust work­man­ship. It is extre­mely user-fri­endly and increases the mate­rial swap speed. 
In the pro­cess of pro­cu­ring our “Böckelt Tower”, reduc­tion of acti­vi­ties that do not create value, such as loa­ding the laser system with dif­fe­rent mate­rials, was the prio­rity. Through shorter distances, easy hand­ling of the cas­settes, we have been able to signi­fi­cantly reduce our pro­ces­sing time. 
Markus Wenzel
Peter Auer
Elmar Glieden, BLH GmbH
Ger­hard Pieser, Gaass
Leon­hard Bern­gruber, Digital Elek­tronik GmbH
Top qua­lity and cle­arly the best choice for non-auto­mated towers. If you can keep your steel variety small due to the pro­duct, the part is per­fect. As a pure Va pro­cessor, we work even faster in many areas than with auto­mated racking. 
Kevin Eber­hardt

Set­ting the scene for our BÖCKELT TOWER with our customers.

Dis­cover sequences with BÖCKELT TOWER® pro­ducts in the image films of our satis­fied cus­to­mers. Get fur­ther impres­sions of the use and bene­fits of the sys­tems in prac­tical ever­yday operations.